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Production Noise Detection

  • Cope with noise in production or lab 
  • Find corrupted measurements 
  • Reduce false rejects 
  • Improve yield rate in production 
  • Solves test box limitations

Detecting defects with the highest sensitivity requires robustness against any external noise from production (EoL) or in a lab environment (RnD). The level of impulsive disturbances may be much higher than defect symptoms. Even well-designed test enclosures do not attenuate ambient noise by more than 40 dB, which is insufficient to prevent noise corruption. 



The  unique  noise  detection  of  the  KLIPPEL  QC  System  uses a dedicated ambient noise microphone with identical signal processing as the test microphone. The two signals are correlated with respect to time and level (incl. box attenuation) to distinguish actual defects from external corruption. The NOISE verdict clearly indicates a corrupted result.

To enhance the standard noise detection algorithm, the add-on module Production Noise Immunity applies a novel patent protected technology performing the following steps:

  • Storing the valid parts of each measured response,
  • Automatic repetition of corrupted measurement,
  • Merging the valid parts of the response,
  • Giving a complete valid response eventually.

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